-- From http://www.karaszi.com/SQLServer/util_restore_all_in_file.asp CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE sp_RestoreFromAllFilesInDirectory @SourceDirBackupFiles nvarchar(200), @DestDirDbFiles nvarchar(200), @DestDirLogFiles nvarchar(200), @SingleUser CHAR(1) = 'N', @ExecuteSQL CHAR(1) = 'N' AS --Originally written by Tibor Karaszi 2004. Use at own risk. --Restores from all files in a certain directory. Assumes that: -- There's only one backup on each backup device. -- Each database uses only two database files and the mdf file is returned first from the RESTORE FILELISTONLY command. --Sample execution: -- EXEC sp_RestoreFromAllFilesInDirectory 'C:\backup\blx-andreas\archive\full\', 'd:\database\' , 'd:\database\', 'Y', 'Y' --Modified 2016-12-19: -- Works for SQL Server 2016 -- Added linebreaks for readability -- Create physical file name from logical file name, not database name -- Supports multiple database file, thanks to above -- Added stats för every 5 % SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @crlf char(2) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) -- remove last backslash if needed IF LEFT(REVERSE(@DestDirDbFiles),1) ='\' SET @DestDirDbFiles = LEFT(@DestDirDbFiles, Len(@DestDirDbFiles)-1) IF LEFT(REVERSE(@DestDirLogFiles),1)='\' SET @DestDirLogFiles = LEFT(@DestDirLogFiles, Len(@DestDirLogFiles)-1) --Table to hold each backup file name in CREATE TABLE #files(fname varchar(200),depth int, file_ int) INSERT #files EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_dirtree @SourceDirBackupFiles, 1, 1 --Table to hold the result from RESTORE HEADERONLY. Needed to get the database name out from CREATE TABLE #bdev( BackupName nvarchar(128) ,BackupDescription nvarchar(255) ,BackupType smallint ,ExpirationDate datetime ,Compressed tinyint ,Position smallint ,DeviceType tinyint ,UserName nvarchar(128) ,ServerName nvarchar(128) ,DatabaseName nvarchar(128) ,DatabaseVersion bigint ,DatabaseCreationDate datetime ,BackupSize numeric(20,0) ,FirstLSN numeric(25,0) ,LastLSN numeric(25,0) ,CheckpointLSN numeric(25,0) ,DatabaseBackupLSN numeric(25,0) ,BackupStartDate datetime ,BackupFinishDate datetime ,SortOrder smallint ,[CodePage] smallint ,UnicodeLocaleId bigint ,UnicodeComparisonStyle bigint ,CompatibilityLevel tinyint ,SoftwareVendorId bigint ,SoftwareVersionMajor bigint ,SoftwareVersionMinor bigint ,SoftwareVersionBuild bigint ,MachineName nvarchar(128) ,Flags bigint ,BindingID uniqueidentifier ,RecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier ,Collation nvarchar(128) ,FamilyGUID uniqueidentifier ,HasBulkLoggedData bigint ,IsSnapshot bigint ,IsReadOnly bigint ,IsSingleUser bigint ,HasBackupChecksums bigint ,IsDamaged bigint ,BegibsLogChain bigint ,HasIncompleteMetaData bigint ,IsForceOffline bigint ,IsCopyOnly bigint ,FirstRecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier ,ForkPointLSN numeric(25,0) ,RecoveryModel nvarchar(128) ,DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0) ,DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier ,BackupTypeDescription nvarchar(128) ,BackupSetGUID uniqueidentifier ,CompressedBackupSize bigint ,Containment bigint ,KeyAlgorithm nvarchar(32) ,EncryptorThumbprint varbinary(20) ,EncryptorType nvarchar(23) ) --Table to hold result from RESTORE FILELISTONLY. Need to generate the MOVE options to the RESTORE command CREATE TABLE #dbfiles( LogicalName nvarchar(128) ,PhysicalName nvarchar(260) ,[Type] char(1) ,FileGroupName nvarchar(128) ,Size numeric(20,0) ,MaxSize numeric(20,0) ,FileId bigint ,CreateLSN numeric(25,0) ,DropLSN numeric(25,0) ,UniqueId uniqueidentifier ,ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0) ,ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0) ,BackupSizeInBytes bigint ,SourceBlockSize bigint ,FilegroupId bigint ,LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier ,DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25) ,DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier ,IsReadOnly bigint ,IsPresent int ,TDEThumbprint uniqueidentifier ,SnapshotUrl nvarchar(360) ) DECLARE @fname varchar(200) DECLARE @dirfile varchar(300) DECLARE @LogicalName nvarchar(128) DECLARE @PhysicalName nvarchar(260) DECLARE @type char(1) DECLARE @DbName sysname DECLARE @sql nvarchar(1000) DECLARE files CURSOR FOR SELECT fname FROM #files DECLARE dbfiles CURSOR FOR SELECT LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type FROM #dbfiles OPEN files FETCH NEXT FROM files INTO @fname WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @dirfile = @SourceDirBackupFiles + @fname --Get database name from RESTORE HEADERONLY, assumes there's only one backup on each backup file. TRUNCATE TABLE #bdev INSERT #bdev EXEC('RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = ''' + @dirfile + '''') SET @DbName = (SELECT DatabaseName FROM #bdev) /* show how far we are */ SET @sql = '/* [' + @DbName + '] */ ' /* 20170920 hsp: ensure that we can overwrite the database */ IF @SingleUser = 'Y' SET @sql += 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DbName + '] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE;' + @crlf --Construct the beginning for the RESTORE DATABASE command SET @sql += 'RESTORE DATABASE [' + @DbName + '] ' + @crlf + 'FROM DISK = ''' + @dirfile + '''' + @crlf + ' WITH REPLACE' + @crlf + ',STATS = 5 ' + @crlf + ',MOVE ' --Get information about database files from backup device into temp table TRUNCATE TABLE #dbfiles INSERT #dbfiles EXEC('RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = ''' + @dirfile + '''') OPEN dbfiles --For each database file that the database uses WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN FETCH NEXT FROM dbfiles INTO @LogicalName, @PhysicalName, @type IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 BREAK IF @type = 'D' BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + '''' + @LogicalName + ''' TO ''' + @DestDirDbFiles + '/' + @LogicalName + '.mdf''' + @crlf SET @sql = @sql + ',MOVE ' END ELSE IF @type = 'L' SET @sql = @sql + '''' + @LogicalName + ''' TO ''' + @DestDirLogFiles + '/' + @LogicalName + '.ldf''' + @crlf END /* 20170920 hsp: ensure that we can overwrite the database */ IF @SingleUser = 'Y' SET @sql += '; ALTER DATABASE [' + @DbName + '] SET MULTI_USER ;' + @crlf SET @sql = @sql + @crlf --Here's the actual RESTORE command PRINT @sql --Remove the comment below if you want the procedure to actually execute the restore command. --EXEC(@sql) IF @ExecuteSQL = 'Y' EXEC sp_executesql @sql CLOSE dbfiles FETCH NEXT FROM files INTO @fname END CLOSE files DEALLOCATE dbfiles DEALLOCATE files